
Ilpa Adesivi

The Corporate Mission

Improve our leadership on the Italian market is the result of over 40 years of experience in the market of the chemical industry with a great vocation for internationalization. Our corporate mission has always been to associate the combination of traditional and technological innovation which translates into proximity to customers and the products offered, as to create customized and highly performing solutions oriented to a changing market. Economy, sustainability and innovation are the goals of Ilpa Adesivi corporate policy.

The Corporate Vision

Our Vision is to undertake the necessary actions to become a solid reference in the chemical industry market for importers, exporters and retailers all over the world, in full compliance with fundamental values such as professional ethics, engagement of our staff and our suppliers with a positive and proactive approach to problem solving. Innovation is the inspiring focus of our company: a global vision to growth through the evolution of technologies and products that benefit society, respecting and improving the environment.

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