Ilpa Adesivi Srl

Production processProcess

Production process and Quality Policy

Our production process includes all the processes that transform raw materials into finished products. Each process is performed into a specific area in the company.
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Ilpa Adesivi

set the goal to produce innovative products to expand its market targets. To achieve and maintain the set objectives over time, the company adopts a Quality Management System based on the ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 standards. The Company Management System was developed to ensure effective and efficient use of resources, focusing on the '' attention to the expectations of customers and other parties of interest.

Ilpa Adesivi guarantees the quality of the products and services provided to the customer by keeping under control the technical, organizational and human factors that can influence the quality of the products and services supplied.

Ultimately, by virtue of the constant evolution and continuous increase in market needs, it is necessary to exceed the same expectations of the Customer to be chosen and appreciated for:

Ilpa Adesivi’s quality policy


Solutions with technical characteristics

in line with customer / market requests

a range of solutions

able to meet specific needs

A sales organization

widespread on the market


and care in order fulfillment

Continuous training

of the staff

Continuous improvement of processes

and company products with a view to protecting the environment, health and safety of its staff, customers and end users;


with qualified suppliers


of the Quality Policy with stakeholders

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